
Product Designer

Thijmen van der Steen

I aim to make products and objects more light; to strip down form and material and to eliminate overabundance, so that only the necessary elements remain. I find basic things most beautiful and powerful.

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interaction design and web development

Ronald Wisse

I’m working as a freelance digital creative under the name visualdata for over two decades now.

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Regisseur | Editor

Allard Detiger

Allard Detiger maakte verschillende documentaires in Rusland, waaronder ‘We love Putin’, ‘The New Saint’, ‘Kasparov’s other Russia’ en ‘Kresty hope dies last’.

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Record Producer | Songwriter | Guitarist | DJ

Steve Johnsen – Never Square Music

I’m a music creative, producer, mixing engineer and multi-instrumentalist with 20 years of experience in creating music & sound for international and award-winning brand campaigns and artists.

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