Ivano Salonia

I’m an XR artist and art director based in Amsterdam. I work at the intersection of artistic practice and design with new media. In the past 4 years my work has been focused exclusively on experimenting alternative artistic production processes and visual languages involving VR and AR and new technologies. I also run workshops and guidance on how to design and make art in Virtual Reality.

My artistic work is multifaceted and in continuous evolution, I enjoy surrealistic approaches informed by intuitive choices. My art takes shape in the form of VR installations, ML generated collections NFT’s, photography, videos, avatars, virtual assets, digital environments and sounds.

I am active in the web3 space since spring 2021, I’m a founding member of Creative DAO, a community of artists gathering together around art practice and co-creation. I am interested on community building, digital events, web3 tools and new identities for new autonomous organization. I am a NFT collector.

I have +15 years experience in traditional advertising and branding. My commissioned work entails concept and executions of experiences in AR and VR, creative consultancy, image/video production, assets creation, concept art and artistic guidance.